
This is what we do

Citizens Advisory Committee

How would YOU improve transportation in the Cheyenne area? Join our Citzen’s Advisory Committee, and you’ll have a chance to assist our Transportation Planners with bringing about improvements to our area.

Bring us your concerns about biking, driving, roadway safety, pedestrian access and more, and we’ll work together at quarterly meetings to create a solution that can benefit our entire community.

Cheyenne MPO Citizens Advisory Committee meetings begin at 6:00 pm unless otherwise noted. Please check back for future meetings.

Agendas and Minutes

February 22, 2024 Agenda Minutes
June 12, 2024 Agenda Minutes
September 18, 2024 Agenda Minutes
November 6, 2024 Agenda Minutes
February 12, 2025 Agenda
May 14, 2025 Agenda


Barbara Boyd
C.J. Brown
Boyd O. Wiggam
Leif Paulson



Apply to join the Citizen’s Advisory Committee

Note: Applicants must live within the Cheyenne MPO boundary.

Your completed application can be submitted electronically to the MPO, or delivered to the MPO office in person at 2101 O’Neil Ave., Room 304 in Cheyenne.

Questions about joining the committee?  Call us (307) 637-6299

Solicite unirse al Comité Asesor Ciudadano

Nota: Los solicitantes deben vivir dentro de los límites de Cheyenne MPO.

 Su solicitud completa puede enviarse electrónicamente a la MPO o entregarse personalmente en la oficina de la MPO en 2101 O’Neil Ave., Sala 304 en Cheyenne.

¿Preguntas sobre unirse al comité?  Llámanos (307) 637-6299

What does the Citizen’s Advisory Committee do?

The Committee meets officially four times a year. At these quarterly meetings, Committee members are expected to participate in the following ways:

Citizen's Perspective

Provide input from a citizen’s perspective on what the MPO’s transportation planning priorities should be

Current Projects & Plans

Become educated about the MPO’s current projects and plans

Plan Approvals

Recommend projects to the MPO Policy Committee for approval

This is what we do

Choose a committee

Policy Committee

The Policy Committee decides how the Federal Planning Funds (PL), Transit Planning Funds, and Federal Surface Transportation Program-Urban (STP-U) Funds will be spent within the urban area.  The Planning Committee approves the MPO Work Program & adopts plans and programs prepared by the MPO.  Voting members include City Mayor, County Commissioner, & the District Engineer of WYDOT; the three agencies that make up the MPO.

Technical Committee

The Technical Committee is comprised of Planners, Engineers, and technical members of the City, County, WYDOT, and other agencies/organizations in the Cheyenne area which have a direct interest in the development of an efficient and effective transportation system.  The Technical committee recommends to Policy Committee approval of plans and projects.

Citizens Advisory Committee

How would YOU improve transportation in the Cheyenne area? Join our Citzen’s Advisory Committee, and you’ll have a chance to assist our Transportation Planners with bringing about improvements to our area.

Bring us your concerns about biking, driving, roadway safety, pedestrian access and more, and we’ll work together at quarterly meetings to create a solution that can benefit our entire community.