Cheyenne Frontier Days Traffic Study & Transportation Plan
Summary of Project
Cheyenne Frontier Days (CFD) annually hosts as many as 266,000 guests including rodeo participants, carnival staff and 2,500 volunteers during the ten-day event held the last full week of July. Daily ticket sales for the rodeo, night show and gate sales can exceed 40,000 people. A major event of this magnitude puts pressure on the surrounding transportation system and parking facilities around Frontier Park, and intersections leading from the Interstate highway system to Frontier Park.
The Cheyenne Metropolitan Planning Organization and Cheyenne Frontier Days retained Ayres
Associates to conduct a comprehensive transportation/parking study for the Cheyenne Frontier Day celebration. The study included observation and assessment of existing transportation services, parking, and overall operation. The transportation plan distills these observations into recommendations for short and long-term enhancements designed to increase safety, and improve transportation efficiency issues related to the event, and better achieve the goals of CFD.
Latest Updates
- 2019 – Plan Implementation Traffic Control Maps for 2019 CFD
- 2018 – Cheyenne Frontier Days Traffic Study & Transportation FINAL Plan January 2018, Appendices
- Central and Kennedy Traffic Control
- Carey from 8th to Kennedy Traffic Control
- Public Information Meeting Displays
The study Steering Committee agreed to the following transportation system improvement goals:
- Resolve 8th Avenue traffic/pedestrian conflict problems: Separate pedestrian, bus and traffic conflicts
- Improve key intersection traffic operation
- Reduce amount of time Cheyenne Police Department officers and Cheyenne Frontier Days volunteers are in the roadway directing traffic
- Increase overall transportation safety
- Maximize ‘Park N Ride’ bus operation
The study process included the following different information sources:
- Steering committee meeting
- One on one interviews
- Field observations during the 2017 event
- Traffic and pedestrian counts at 15 intersections
- Aerial imagery
- Public information meeting