Street Enhancement Toolbox

Summary of Project
Project purpose
The purpose of this document is to assist the City of Cheyenne in establishing a roadway enhancement implementation process based on interdepartmental and interagency collaboration early in the design phase, considering the whole lifecycle of each roadway enhancement element. By providing cost estimates and flexible design parameters within this document, the City will have the necessary information to select the most appropriate enhancement elements for each project, anticipate and substantiate long-term funding and resource needs, and develop street standards uniquely suited for each roadway under review.
The Street Enhancement Toolbox builds upon the research conducted during the Best Practices Analysis, and insight from key City staff responsible for the design, implementation and maintenance of enhanced roadways. The Best Practices Analysis provides the basis by which costs and roadway designs were derived for the Street Enhancement Toolbox. Six communities were selected based on characteristics similar to Cheyenne, such as climate, size, population, and level of experience with roadway enhancement projects. Several departments within each community were interviewed on a range of questions concerning the cost, design, funding and management of existing and future roadway enhancement initiatives. Based on the information collected from the Best Practices Analysis, costs and assumptions were developed for the Street Enhancement Toolbox. Cheyenne City staff reviewed, modified and approved the assumptions to provide the most accurate and regionally specific cost information possible. The cost information represented in this document is based on a 10’ wide median to provide baseline information for cost comparisons. However, a more accurate cost analysis can be found in the Street Enhancement Worksheet. This worksheet is a dynamic spreadsheet with an intuitive user interface that allows users to select data, modify assumptions, and create customized design palettes. The output calculates the capital, maintenance and replacement costs of elements over a 20 year period to satisfy short and long-term planning needs.