Cheyenne Area On-Street Bicycle Plan and Greenway Plan Update
Summary of Project
The purpose of doing an On Street Bicycle Plan for the Cheyenne metropolitan area is to provide the City, County and WYDOT a comprehensive document to guide the implementation of projects that increase bicycle safety, increase bicycle ridership, implements complete streets and provides a continuous and safe non motorized system that ensures easy access to jobs, services, and commerce. The Plan will lay out short- and long-term strategies to make cycling and trail use safe, convenient and attractive activities within the community.
Cheyenne is a community of roughly 60,000 people who love the outdoors and enjoy being in tune with their surroundings. The Cheyenne metropolitan area is characterized by compact urban form with reasonably good road connectivity to all neighborhoods. Additionally, this community enjoys an excellent greenway system with about 30 miles of built trails and many more miles planned for the future. Thus, Cheyenne has unique opportunities as well as potential to become a bicycle friendly community. Currently, the greenway trails are being used predominantly for recreation. However, there is a latent demand for a non motorized system that provides efficiency, continuity and mobility to use this as a primary method of transportation. Lack of a continuous, safe and efficient system, currently discourages people from bicycling to their respective destinations. The Bicycle Vision Plan in Cheyenne’s 2005 Comprehensive Plan states that, “Bicycle facility needs should be based on general principles of safe and convenient bicycling, as well as specific location needs for various situations in the Cheyenne Area. These can be summarized as – safety and convenience, connections to recreational paths and trails, connections between destinations, options, signage, bicycle parking, intermodal connections, ancillary facilities, and demand.”
Latest Updates
Workshop by Michael Ronkin – Dec 6. 2010
Michael Ronkin is a former Oregon DOT employee and contractor and currently a private consultant nationally recognized for his expertise in helping communities design bicycling and pedestrian facilities. Michael held a workshop here in Cheyenne for the benefit of the City/County and State technical staff to provide them with ideas on designing, installing and maintaining bicycle facilities in the Cheyenne urban area.
View Michael Ronkin’s Presentation
Additional Documents
- Two Wheeling in Cheyenne (1975) (26 pp.)
- The Cheyenne Bikeway System (1977/1978) (68 pp.)
- South Cheyenne Bikeway Plan (1984) (37 pp.)
- Cheyenne Bikeway Study (1987) (253 pp.)
- Cheyenne Greenway Extension Plan (1999)
- Cheyenne Greenway Plan (1992)
- Cheyenne Area On-Street Bicycle Plan (1993) (50 pp.)
- PlanCheyenne, 2014 Comprehensive Plan
- AASHTO Guide for the Planning, Design, and Operation of Pedestrian Facilities (July 2004)
- AASHTO Guide for the Planning, Design, and Operation of Bicycle Facilities (1999)
- Wyoming Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan, Wyoming Department of Transportation Systems Planning
- Wyoming Bicycle Guidance Map, 2013
- 2007 Cheyenne Road Street and Site Planning Design Standards
- 2002 Laramie County Road Street and Site Planning Design Standards
- Annual Crash Report for the Cheyenne Area, Published annually by Cheyenne MPO
- Greater Cheyenne Greenway Map and Planning Map
- Cheyenne Bicycle and Pedestrian System Maps
- Cheyenne Area Pedestrian and Safe Routes to School Plan
- City Unified Development Code
- Ordinances from the Cheyenne City Code
Final Working Papers
- #1: Summary of Existing Background Documents and Plans (17 pp.)
- #2: Existing Goals, Objectives and Policies Review and Analysis (22 pp.)
- #3: Visions, Goals and Objectives (4 pp.)
- #4: Existing Conditions (22 pp.)
- #5: Bikeway System Gap Analysis (5 pp.)
- #6: Cycle Zone Methodology (10 pp.)
- #7: Cycle Zone Analysis (40 pp.)
- #8: Collision Analysis (10 pp.)
- #9: Project Evaluation Criteria (3 pp.)
- #10 Support Facilities (24 pp.)
- #13A 4 E’s (16 pp.)
- #13B Enforcement (8 pp.)
Resources and Model Plans from other Communities
- Guide to Bike Safety
- National Association of City Transportation Officials
- Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals
- Design Guidance Accommodating Bicycle and Pedestrian Travel: A Recommended Approach
- Evaluation of Innovative Bicycle Facilities Study
- Draft AASHTO Guide for the Planning, Design, and Operation of Bicycle Facilities
- NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide
- Bicycle Facilities and Commuting in Major US Cities
- Guidelines for Analysis of Investments in Bicycle Facilities, NCHRP Report 552
- Planetizen,
- American Planning Association,
- Smart Growth America,
- Congress for New Urbanism,
- Walkable Communities, Inc.,
- Livability in Transportation by USDOT
- Draft Bikeway Recommendations
- Bicycle Facility Types